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Product Catalogue

α1 –Microglobulin, Highly Purified AJ 3006

Product Details
Data Sheet
SHELF-LIFE 5 years from date of manufacture.
SOURCE Isolated from human urine from patients with chronic renal tubular proteinuria. The raw material urine is tested negative for HBsAg, anti-HIV-1/2 and anti-HCV.
PRESENTATION Presented freeze-dried from 0.02M ammonium bicarbonate. The product may contain traces of buffer salts. Note: This product is characteristically yellow-brown in colour.
PURITY Nominally greater than 96% of the protein is α1-microglobulin.
Type Result
SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis To show one band corresponding to the molecular weight (27 kD) of α1-M. Under certain conditions the dimer (54 kD) can be observed.
Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis To show one band only with α1-electrophoretic mobility.
Total protein concentration by optical density at 280nm using E280nm1cm,0.1% = 1.58 >1mg/ml (dispensing solution)
Total protein concentration by Lowry method To confirm optical density result.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis by Radial Immunodiffusion (RID) using in-house standard To confirm identity and verify dispensing concentration.
RECONSTITUTION Use of a phosphate buffer, pH >7.0, containing 0.15M NaCl is recommended.
STORAGE +2 to +8ºC (do not freeze)
α1 –Microglobulin, Highly Purified AJ 3006
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