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Product Catalogue

Chikungunya Envelope Protein MAb AZ 1253

Product Details
Download PDF Data Sheet for AZ 1253 Data Sheet
AZ 1253
SHELF LIFE Minimum 3 years from date of manufacture
CLONE NOS. 0211015 - IgG2b
0311025 - IgG2b
0411035 - IgG2b
1309016 - IgG1k
1409026 - IgG1k

Purified by DEAE column chromatography and presented liquid in 0.015M potassium phosphate, 0.85% NaCl, pH 7.2.


>90% by SDS-PAGE

Mixture of recombinant Chikungunya E1 wild type protein and recombinant Chikungunya E1 mutant (A226V) protein
APPLICATION Potentially suitable for rapid lateral flow application for detection of Chikungunya virus.
PRESERVATIVE 0.05% sodium azide
STORAGE +2°C to +8°C
Chikungunya Envelope Protein MAb AZ 1253
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