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Product Catalogue

Mumps Viral Antigen BM 6133

Product Details
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BM 6133
SOURCE Enders strain.
EXPIRY DATE 10 years from date of manufacture
CULTURE SYSTEM Vero cell culture
PRESENTATION Infected cells and culture supernatant are harvested and concentrated by ultracentrifugation. Following sonication and clarification, the resulting suspension is again concentrated by centrifugation. The resulting antigen preparation consists of a high concentration of virus and viral components as well as some cellular material suspended in glycine buffer, pH 9.5.
PROTEIN CONCENTRATION 2 - 5 mg/ml by Bradford (Biorad) assay using BSA as standard
INACTIVATION By treatment with ß-propiolactone. Infectivity is confirmed negative by absence of growth under original cell culture conditions
Repeated freezing and thawing should be avoided
Mumps Viral Antigen BM 6133
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