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Product Catalogue

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) MAb BF 1265

Product Details
Download PDF Data Sheet for BF 1265 Data Sheet
SHELF LIFE 2 years from date of manufacture
Clone Number Immunoglobulin Subclass Specificity Cross-reactivity with human kallikrein 2 Expression System
0206017 IgG2a free PSA (epitope 1) 0.00 in vitro
0306027 IgG1 total PSA (epitope 4) No data available in vitro
0406037 IgG1 Equimolar total PSA (epitope 5) 0.00 in vitro
2309012 IgG1 Equimolar total PSA (epitope 3) 100% in vitro
PRESENTATION PBS, pH 7.4 for clones 0206017, 0306027 and 0406037
0.15 M NaCl, 10Mm Tris, pH 7.5 for clone 2309012
PRESERVATIVE 0.09% sodium azide (NaN3) for clones 0206017, 0306027 and 0406037
0.05% sodium azide (NaN3) for clone 2309012
APPLICATION Detection of total PSA:
Clone 0306027 as capture antibody and clone 0406037 as detection antibody.
Detection of free PSA:
Clone 0206017 as capture antibody and clone 0406037 as detection antibody.
Clone 0406037 as capture antibody and clone 0206017 as detection antibody.
PURIFICATION Chromatography on protein A Sepharose for clones 0206017, 0306027 and 0406037.
Ion exchange chromatography for 2309012.
STORAGE +2ºC to +8°C
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) MAb BF 1265
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